New Copenhagen University Research Totally Rejects Notion of Universal Incest Taboo - Sigmund Freud & Claude Lévi-Strauss were wrongclick here 

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A human river  
















En flod af mennesker
Tortive and errant snurrende og vildfarende
In bunte colors of Tivoli klædt i en regnbue af farver fra Tivoli
Gushes down The Walking Street strømmer ned ad Strøget
Fastidious Danes effeminate Kræsne danskere udstråler blidhed
A seeming and screaming en tilsyneladende og skrigende
Paradoxical bliss; paradoksal (lyk)salighed;
Life's paradise is this livets paradis er denne
The Danish myth den danske myte
On any and every day of Spring På en hvilken som helst forårsdag
You can see on the Pedestrian's Only Street kan du på Gågaden se
A yellow flow of bright voluptuous skirts en gul strøm af nordiske Afroditers
Of Northern Aphrodites sparkle vellystigt strålende skørter
Across their covered and sought for funkle henover deres tildækkede
Cattegat-mother-of-pearl  Kattegat og dets eftertragtede perlemor
Life's heritage, as in ancient Greece Livets arv, som i det antikke Grækenland
And the wintering of Hannibal at Capua* og hos Hannibal's overvintring i Capua*
Lives near at hand lever overskuelig og mæt
Near the sea, in every tæt på havet, i enhver
Delectable pearl of the sea who lets herself liflig perlemor som tillader sig
Taste your sweet fruit at smage din sødladne frugt
The launching of you into her Søsætningen af dig ind i hendes
Warm Baltic Sea varme Østersøiske Hav
How they stay so young and gay Hvordan de forbliver så unge og muntre
A paradox it seems to me virker paradoksalt på mig
Along the river's side Langs flodens flanke
Way over to the right helt over mod højre banke
Another solitary individual flyder endnu en ener
Flows to the pinnacle of man's delight; mod spidsen af menneskenes fryd;
Her bunte colors of Tivoli hendes regnbue af Tivolis farver
Tantalize the ruffians bristle hair turned down pirrer bøllens stive hår der forvandles til dun
The many girls who appear De mange piger der dukker op
Present no fear to him who knows indgyder ingen frygt i ham som ved
That not a one will him escape at ikke en eneste vil undgå ham
His white swan's plunge Hans hvide svanes spring
Into their feather garden down ind i deres have af fjer og dun
Their sweet fountain cups deres søde springvands kopper
To his drink will play til hans drikkeri vil lege
The dive into their fleeting foil Dykningen ned i deres flygtige folie
The culminating joy den kulminerende glæde
To stimulate for at stimulere
An Id'ean climb for more id'ets erobring af kærlighed
A blessed, immortal, Scandinavian joy en velsignet, udødelig, skandinavisk herlighed
These are kind, descendent Disse er venlige ansigter af
Viking countenances vikingeefterkommere
Unvailing a slight reluctance som afslører en vag tilbageholdenhed
To grasp an unassuming love of life mod at gribe fat i en direkte livskærlighed
They think it's modesty De tror det er beskedenhed
That keeps them right! der holder dem på rette vej!
Their indescriminate love Deres vilkårlige kærlighed -
A seeming paradox to me et tilsyneladende paradoks synes jeg -
Appears to fill them med en rødmende og fræk
With an ambiguous shame tvetydig skam
While floating below their conscious threshold mens under deres bevidstheds tærskel
Every Dane worships wholesale flyder enhver danskers engros tilbedelse
Total love, to each af grænseløs kærlighed til alle
In the world-wide, social mosaic i den verdensomspændende sociale mosaik

*Danish or English footnote on antiquity's Capua:       
(216-215 B.C. "A Study of History", Arnold Toynbee, p. 108-111, Dell Publishing Co., Inc, Laurel Ed. 1965. According to the historian Toynbee Hannibals army was so demoralized after just one winters occupation of of ancient Capua, that his army never recovered. Capua was a city, that just didn´t want to fight, in fact so much so that they preferred, rather, to invite new conquerers to occupy the city and throw the old ones out. This happened when the Capuans were dissatisfied with the old rulers. Life in Capua was too easy, was the opinion of many. Thus the demoralization of the occupyers.)

The poems above and below were written by the Danish born, anti-pedagogue (free educationist) Peter Schmidt. He grew up in the ´States, served in the US Army where he during his three year military service was actively involved in the struggle against racism in the armed forces. Today he lives and loves life in Denmark. Here he has expanded his own personal anti-racist struglle to include the struglle against all forms of suppression. He is presently working for the liberation of people everywhere on this planet, in whatever limited way he can, and actively supports the realization of individual sovereignty where this does not infringe on others. He believes that the principle of individual sovereignty in one´s own affairs kan be implemented politically and legally everywhere - in this Era of Globalization.

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A Socio-Erotik Cultural Palace

Another sensually beautifull place where I cultivated a practical life philosophy during these years was at  The Danish Student Club in Copenhagen. Besides being a very active cultural center this place was virtually - and likewise - a very active youth erotic center! Politics and erotic freedom was fully integrated during these years. This is also the place where I first heard the former American professor and now deceased Greek politician Andreas Papandréou. The notabilities spanned the whole spectrum - including nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal. And many more delivered lectures here.

  Among the performing muscians were Jethro Tull and many other well known groups. The many bands performed often simultaneously in this Great and many floored cultural and erotic palace.  There was one blues rock group  who´s name I don´t recall, but which nevertheless was typical of  the kind of atmosphere - here - each and every weekend in the capital of the Danish Myth - Copehenhagen:

The Student Club



On the Student Club's top dance floor   På Studenterforeningens øverste dansegulv
Stands a long table with a burned-out   står et langt bord med en udbrændt
Candle stub   stump stearinlys
Portending the closing hour like a clock   som varsel om lukketidens uomstødelighed
It's three A.M. Sunday morning   klokken er tre søndag nat
A young man, whom we shall call Peter   en ung mand, som vi kan kalde Peter,
Sits at the table I have just described   sidder ved bordet jeg netop har beskrevet
Beyond two tables to his left   Forbi to borde på hans venstre side
Stands, let's call him "The Hermit";   står, lad os kalde ham "The Hermit",
A pop-blues singer and his band   en pop-blues sanger og hans band
Swaying over his congregation of dancers   svajende henover forsamlingens dansere
Like a primative priest   som en besat præst
A few people, all under twenty-five   Nogle få mennesker, alle under femogtyve
Are scattered haphazardly about the tables   er spredt tilfældigt rundt om bordene
While rhytmically the band´s blasting volume   mens bandets øredøvende volumen rytmisk
Screams and pumps   skriger og pumper
A monotonous and hypnotizing joy   en monoton og hypnotiserende fryd
To the panting couples on the floor   til de pustende par på dansegulvet
Tightly up against one another   tæt op ad hinanden
Dancing vertically;   dansende lodret;
With descending and rising movements   med ned- og opadgående bevægelser
And a yellow jet of light   og en gul lysstråle
Beaming down from the balcony heights   stirrer ned fra balkonens højder
Dissecting the thick-swelling   dissekerende den tæt-opsvulmede
Steam-like smoke   dampagtige røg
Radiates something vicious and sensual   udstråler noget vildt og sensuelt
Pouring over the dancers   væltende udover de dansende
Stomping licentiously   i vellystigt tramp
Rubbing against one another   gnider de sig mod hinanden
Indescriminately   helt vilkårligt
While some mother-of-pearl seems to   mens en eller anden perlemor åbenbart
Keep them at the altar's feet   holder dem fast ved alterets fødder
Dancing and sqirming ecstatically   dansende og vridende ekstatisk
Swing to me baby   Baby swing med mig
Push me high   gør mig høj
Hear me call'n   hør mig kalde
Here's where I'm at   det er her jeg er
Pump to the band   Pump til musikken
Sing for more   syng og få mere
We are here to enjoy   vi er til for at nyde
An ever greater climb for more   og vi vil stadig ha' me


This is the club where I met a fabulous woman, one of the first persons I moved in with, and who later got herself a degree in education. None of these wonderful women lovers had any kids. Vibeke and I lived together for two years. She was the one who introduced me to Danish pedagogical circles, and the one who got me to read A. S. Neill's Summerhill School. Unfortunately, there was never a follow up on the great pleasure I got from reading about Neills ideas on freedom in education during the following years when I too began studying education in Denmark! 

  To this very day it strikes me as very odd that  it was possible for me to get a degree from a Danish College without being introduced to Neills - and his teacher Homer Lanes - ideas on education. If one reflects a little more on this issue then it  actually becomes a very disturbing part of the Danish educational system. At this Danish Collage I was actually advised to avoid visiting the Summerhill School with the argument that the German Marxist ideologically oriented teachers at the Glocksee-School in Hanover in, at that time, West Germany, knew everything about Summerhill, but Summerhill knew nothing about Glocksee. Therefore I should rather visit Glocksee, which I did, even several times. Glocksee is still an esteemed, but not in my opinion "free" school in the same sense as Summerhill.

A. S. Neill's Summerhill School

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